

WEPLUS酷窝 2016-07-01 14:47 抢发第一评


She recorded this event for helping more foreign entrepreneurs to understand China's business!


With the G20 fast approaching, more and more people are coming to Hangzhou every week, the possibilities of this city are growing and people are seizing the opportunities available, yet not everyone knows exactly how to develop an idea they have started.

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From the writer, the foreign workmate of Mr.WE+——Rachel, who has live in China for only one year, already dedicated himself in helping other foreign buddies in adapting local culture and business environment. 

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 6月27日,由WE+主办的Networking Event目的也在于此,作为活动的组织者,Rachel在活动结束后分享了这篇活动记录。

June 27th, we+ held networking event for the same purpose. As the organizer of the this event, Rachel shared this event record  at the end of the event.  

文字:Rachel  Content editing:Rachel 

翻译:小龙,Chris  Translator:Elvis,Chris

活动介绍:点我点我  Event detail: Click here

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 周一6月27日,我们在杭州召开了第二个Networking Event。随着G20的临近,杭州现在已经成为一个汇聚世界各地的人群的城市,举办商务的Networking Event以汇聚各种具有新鲜想法的人群是再合适不过的了。

On Monday the 27th of June we held our second Networking event in Hangzhou. With the G20 fast approaching and Hangzhou now becoming a city full of international faces, it seemed only too appropriate to host a business networking event to allow those with new ideas to connect with the experienced and relevant personnel here in Hangzhou. 


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Yesterday’s event was targeted at start-ups, entrepreneurs and newly established businesses. We presented four guest speakers to share their experiences with our newly formed networking community.

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▲我们的第一个嘉宾是Mark Xiong,是六度盒子的代表。他向我们介绍了与投资者相处的方式。在许多文化中,借钱这种想法会令人生畏,因此Mark解释了与投资者合作的利弊以帮助初创企业更好地成长。

Our first guest was Mark Xiong who is a representative of 6DBox. He introduced to us the idea of working with investors. In many cultures the idea of borrowing money can be somewhat daunting, therefore Mark explained to us to pros and cons of working with an investor to help with the start-up of your company.

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“losing control” is one of the key points people fear when looking at cooperating with investors, however with new platforms in place we are able to control the percentage of companies giving including the amount of involvement the investor has.

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Rachel Addy shared an experience of working with an investor stating “I was lucky that mine didn’t mind or want to be involved in the business structure, he was just looking to invest some money in a new venture”

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It is highly recommended that if you are looking at getting involved with an investor you really do your homework! Find out who the person/company is, and ensure that the relevant paperwork is in place to certify the understanding of both parties.


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▲我们第二个嘉宾是Done Munroe, 他在中国工作生活了15年多。他之前与中国企业的接触的经历,成为了参加活动的小伙伴们十分宝贵的一课。 

Our second speaker was Don Munroe, who has been living and working here in China for more than 15 years. His experience working with Chinese companies provided a valuable lesson for those in attendance of the networking event.


“it was unfortunate that we had a big problem with one of our factories going bust”

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Don explained to us that without the relevant paper work in place he was unable to retrieve the tools and machinery which was in the factory after their bankruptcy. Therefore his words of wisdom to our attendants were to ensure your paper work is legal and covers both parties.

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已经运营Efergy两年多了,他们的公司制造energy control 原件,帮助业主更好地检测和管理家中的能源消耗,并且能通过手机来管理。 

Don Munroe has been running Efergy now for more than two years, they are manufacturing an energy control unit allowing home/office owner to control their electricity consumption from a small device which can link to your phone.

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Several members of the audience were keen to learn about how he found the required factories to develop the product designs here in China. Don’s advice was to make sure your customers show interest in your product. Efergy quickly sold their first 50 units giving the factory confidence in their designs and developments.


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Following on from this was Rachel Addy, who has been living and working here in China for over two years. Rachel has experience working with several factories in the Textile industry all over China and wanted to share her experiences on Chinese Etiquette.


“does anyone know how to present their business card in china?”


The room went silent whilst Rachel explained to them that small gestures of Chinese mannerisms can “open or close doors in China”.

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Reading from the book “the art of the deal in china, she referenced an old Chinese proverb, she explained that doing business with Chinese partners it is important to ensure you are not “sleeping in the same bed, but dreaming different dreams”.


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Our final speaker, Joah, a representative of Alibaba explained to the audience what it was like to work for a huge Chinese company which now employs more than 30,000 people.

He explained how, using his back ground of Economics combined with marketing, he is managing one of the sub pages of Alibaba – Ali Express.

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“working in a Chinese company is really about understanding the culture, it isn’t any different from working in Brazil”


Joah explained to the group that Alibaba are releasing a new program for foreigners to go and work for this internet giant.

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Networking here in Hangzhou is becoming increasingly popular, it is important for the development of new businesses to ensure that you have the right connections to lead you down the correct path.

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WE+, the organisers of this event, explained how using a co-working space develops a much nicer working environment for entrepreneurs and new businesses. Our spokesperson Rachel Addy said;



“working for yourself can be quite isolating, before working with WE+ I would work from home and become aggravated and lonely if an issue arises. Working in the WE+ office means that I can walk down the corridor and maybe find someone in a similar industry who can advise me on my issues. This has proven to be a valuable development in my company”

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我们在杭州有几个工作空间,在中国也有其他的工作空间。 一个WE+的代表说

WE+ has several working spaces in Hangzhou and also other areas here in China.A representative of WE+ said。


“we are developing a community of people who can be a part of something bigger one day”


By working together, we can create a working environment which is more comfortable, stable and supportive. All of which are highly important to start ups.

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 本次的Networking Event是在一个新建成的咖啡店举行,它不仅对自家优良的咖啡而骄傲,同时还提供一个舒适的空间,人们可以在那里工作和学习。咖啡店位于文三路,很快会成为人们来工作,放松的好地方。 

The Networking event was held at a newly formed coffee shop, which prides itself not only on excellent coffee, but also on providing a comfortable space where people can work and study. The Coffee shop is located on Wensan Lu and is quickly becoming a popular place for people to come and work and relax.


We would like to thank all of our guests who attended the event, and we look forward to seeing you at the next event on the 27th of July.






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